Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paintings in Progress from Riker Hill Art Park

Lorraine de Smet *in progress

Salomon Kadoche *in progress

Free Art Gallery and Open House at Riker Hill Art Park

This Weekend!
June 2 & 3

Riker Hill Art Park
284 Beautfort Ave. 
Livingston, NJ

Set on a former U.S. Army Missile Base, the 42-acre park at 284 Beautfort Ave. is now a collection of artist galleries and working studios.

During the open house, visitors can tour the studios, see artist demonstrations and visit the galleries where items will be on display for sale. Artist's mediums include jewelry, sculpture, paintings and glassworks.
I will be posing Saturday June 2nd, 11am-1:30pm!
Come see live painting of me as a gypsy for Tim Maher's open studio!
The open house is free! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gypsy Pose - Week 1 of 4 With The Art Centre of New Jersey

Attention Artists
There are still 3 weeks left of this pose!

Sharpen your skill
Paint or draw as you wish
Work in a creative environment
No instruction

Join Us
Saturday 11am-1:30pm
Hosted by Tim Maher

Building 501
284 Beaufort Ave
Livingston, NJ

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Preview of My Pose for The Morris County Art Association

The Portrait and Figure
Annette Hanna
Work from a clothed model with two week long poses in any medium.  Concentrate on 
either a portrait head or on the entire figure.  Get a handle on correct proportion, the 
planes of the head, the anatomy of the body as well as color shape, light on form and 
gesture.  Beginner to advanced.  Model fee extra.  Your instructor works with each student 
Meets: Wednesdays 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

The Pose

*paintings coming soon

Figure Drawing With Laurie Harden

The Livingston Arts Association is a non-profit organization that has been serving the artistic community of the Livingston Area since 1959. Classes for adults and children are offered on various days and evenings of the week. These classes cover instruction in oils, watercolor, pastels, drawing and acrylics.

It was a pleasure modeling with Patrick who is also an artist and instructor for The Morris County Art Association. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Genre Painting at The Montclair Art Museum with Alex Piccirillo

A Preview of My Poses

Thank You Donna Stein for the beautiful photos!

Genre Painting, Drawing, and Composition
Wednesday, 1 - 4 p.m.
Alex Piccirillo
An intense course in painting and drawing, with emphasis on composing the figure in a natural environment. Light and shadow, color and texture will be explored in developing the pictorial image. Each pose will last three to four weeks, depending on its complexity. Any medium may be used.
For more information visit The Montclair Art Museum's website http://www.montclair-art.com/education_yard_school/